Oral Health

Comprehensive Examinations

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The oral cavity serves as a gateway to our overall well-being, as several health conditions often manifest in oral changes. For instance, progressive gum disease can lead to tooth loss and can correlate with more severe complications like oral cancer, which sadly claims the lives of 7,500 individuals annually. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a thorough oral examination when visiting a new dental practice, as it not only assesses your dental health but also acts as a valuable benchmark for your overall well-being.

What to expect

During a dental examination, your dentist will conduct a thorough assessment of your oral health. This includes a visual examination as well as a detailed dental examination using X-rays, which helps detect various issues such as:

  1. New cavities

  2. Weaknesses in existing crowns, fillings, and bridgework

  3. Recession of gums or bone

  4. Tooth wear caused by abnormal bite, bruxism (teeth grinding), or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders.

Furthermore, your dentist will visually and digitally examine the lymph nodes in your face and neck, checking for any abnormalities, pain, or flexibility that could be indicative of underlying diseases. They will also conduct a similar examination of your lips, gums, tongue, and other internal mouth surfaces.

During the examination, you can expect the following:

  1. Evaluation of your overall health and oral hygiene

  2. Assessment of your teeth, gums, and jaw

  3. Evaluation of your bite

  4. Dental X-rays or other diagnostic procedures, if deemed necessary.

By conducting a comprehensive dental examination, your dentist aims to ensure your oral health and overall well-being are effectively evaluated and addressed.


The comprehensive dental examination aims to establish a baseline of your overall health and detect any early signs of serious illnesses that might otherwise go unnoticed. This preventive measure plays a vital role in avoiding pain, tooth loss, and costly restorative dental procedures.

By scheduling regular comprehensive and periodic exams, we can effectively manage minor dental problems before they escalate into more complex issues.


  • Comprehensive Oral Exam:

    A comprehensive oral exam is a thorough assessment of your overall oral health. It is typically performed when you are establishing care with a new dentist or during your initial visit to a dental practice. The primary purpose of a comprehensive exam is to establish a baseline of your oral health status. This exam involves a detailed evaluation of your teeth, gums, jaw, and other oral structures. It may include X-rays, impressions, and other diagnostic procedures to gather comprehensive information about your dental condition. During a comprehensive exam, your dentist will thoroughly examine your oral cavity, check for any signs of oral diseases, assess your bite, evaluate your oral hygiene practices, and discuss any concerns or symptoms you may have. The comprehensive exam helps identify any existing issues, develop an appropriate treatment plan, and establish a long-term oral health strategy.

    Periodic Oral Exam:

    A periodic oral exam, also known as a regular check-up or recall exam, is a routine examination that is typically conducted every six months for individuals with good oral health. The purpose of a periodic exam is to monitor and maintain your oral health over time. This exam involves a shorter and less extensive assessment compared to a comprehensive exam. The dentist will perform a visual inspection of your teeth, gums, and oral tissues to check for any changes or issues since your last visit. They will review your oral hygiene habits, clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar, and provide guidance on proper oral care techniques. If necessary, X-rays may be taken to detect any underlying concerns that may not be visible during the visual examination. The periodic exam allows the dentist to identify any emerging problems, provide preventive care, and address minor issues before they escalate into more significant dental problems.

  • A dental consultation is a more focused and specialized appointment that is usually scheduled for specific reasons or concerns. It involves a discussion between the patient and the dentist about a particular dental issue or existing treatment plan. Dental consultations are common for various situations, such as cosmetic dentistry procedures and orthodontic treatment cases. During a dental consultation, the dentist will not diagnose any conditions only give their professional opinion on what can be seen visually. In summary, the consultation is more of an opinionated recommendation where as an exam is a medical diagnosis resulting in a fabrication of a treatment plan.

  • No.

    An exam and updated x-rays are required before a teeth cleaning to evaluate oral health, detect hidden problems, develop a personalized treatment plan, and ensure the safety and effectiveness of the cleaning process. Dentistry is healthcare and require a diagnosis before proceeding with any type of treatment, including teeth cleanings.

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